2016…Here We Go!

Hi Friends,

Happy New Year!!  Now that I’ve had a chance to catch my breath after the holiday frenzy, I’m feeling excited about 2016!  How about you?  Have you made resolutions or set goals?

Since this is my  first blog post for 2016, I’m sure the expectation is that I will share my blogging goals for the year.  Um, yeah…that’s not gonna happen.  I will not be posting goals, despite the tremendous amount of pressure I’m feeling after reading other blogs and discovering that it is exactly what I “should” be doing as a blogger.  I mean, some of the bloggers I follow are really quite amazing at yearly goal setting.  They set goals in January and then the following year they review them to see what they’ve accomplished and where they fell short.  Then they create new goals for the following year.  I aspire to be just like them.  I really do…when I retire.  Yup, still working at my day job.

Until then, I’m going to continue blogging as organically as possible – when inspiration strikes and time permits.  My only goals are to foster my creativity and get better at blogging by practicing blogging.  Hopefully I will inspire other women to do the same: embrace your creativity and practice what you love without feeling like you have to be perfect.  Because, really…who among us is?

So, I’m not caving to the pressure.  Besides, perfection is over-rated and unattainable.  I’ll settle for being an ever-evolving spiritual being having a human experience.

But don’t get me wrong.

Do I have some ideas brewing?  You bet!

All day.  Every day.

Sigh…poor Superhouls.

Stay tuned,


Romeo 2016

And stay warm.

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